DDS/DCS Services

This section contains DDS/DCS transactions API’s.

Currency Codes

Currency Code Currency type











Invoice Status Codes

Status Code Status Description
0 None Printed if undefined
1 Odendi Printed if the invoice is paid.
2 Iptal Printed if the invoice is cancelled.
3 Odenmedi Printed if no payment was made for this invoice.
4 KismiOdendi Printed if a partial payment is made for the invoice.
5 MahsupEdildi Printed if the invoice has been deducted
6 Iskontolandi Printed if the invoice is discounted.
7 HatalıFatura Printed if the invoice is uploaded incorrectly during authorization.

DDS Status Detail Codes

DDS Status Detail Code Status Description
0 Operation Successful. Printed if the operation requested is successful.
1 Parent company is not defined. Printed if the parent company is passive.
2 Dealer is not defined. Printed if the dealer is passive.
3 Dealer's invoice upload deadline has passed. Printed if the invoice deadline defined in the system is past due to the time when the transaction is made.
4 Invoice which exceeds the acceptable maturity date cannot be uploaded for the dealer. Printed if the maturity date of the invoice uploaded is longer than "Maximum Maturity Days" parameter defined in the system.
5 Invoice with a value greater than acceptable invoice value cannot be uploaded for the dealer. Printed if the invoice value is greater than the parameter "Maximum Invoice Amount" parameter defined in the system.
6 The system has duplicate records with the same invoice number. Printed when repeated transaction is made with the same invoice number.
7 Dealer's warranted limit is insufficient. Printed when the available limit of the dealer which the invoice is uploaded for is insufficient.
8 Non-warranted limit is insufficient. Printed if the non-warranted limit defined by the Parent company for the dealer which the invoice uploaded for is insufficient.
9 Limit is insufficient. Printed if the limit is insufficient.
10 No record can be found. Printed if the queried record cannot be found in the system.
11 Information to be updated is the same. Printed if the information to be updated is identical to information available.
12 Invoice was offset. Printed when the invoice is offset.
13 The invoice you want to process has already been collected. Printed when the invoice to be processed is already collected.
14 Invoice amount is incorrect. Printed when the invoice amount is incorrect.
15 The invoice has been deleted. Printed when the invoice is deleted.
16 Foreign currency type to be processed is not defined for this dealer. Printed if the relevant currency type of the dealer is not defined.
17 Foreign currency account is not defined for the dealer. Printed if foreign currency account is not defined for the dealer in the system.
18 Money was transferred to a temporary account. Printed if money transfer was made to temporary account for warranting from deposit account.
19 Invoice is closed for update. Printed when the invoice is closed for update.
20 Operation type is not selected. Printed if operation type is not selected.
21 Due date is less than today's date. Printed if the date given is in the past.
22 Parent company is not defined. Printed if the parent company is not defined.
23 Dealer is not defined. Printed if the dealer is not defined.
24 DBS account is not defined for the dealer. Printed if DBS account is not defined for the dealer.
25 Collection account is not defined for the dealer. Printed if collection account is not defined for the dealer.
26 Date ranges are mandatory. Printed if the "Date" field was sent empty in mandatory areas.
27 No invoice found. Printed if the queried invoice cannot be found.
28 Account incorrect. Printed if the account is incorrect.
29 Error occurred when printing warranted invoice. Received when an error occurs when printing warranted invoice.
30 Error occurred when printing non-warranted invoice. Received when an error occurs when printing non-warranted invoice.
31 Error occurred when printing partial-warranted invoice. Received when an error occurs when printing partial-warranted invoice.
32 Dealer code field is mandatory. Received if the dealer code is sent empty.
34 The invoice has been discounted. Printed if the invoice has been discounted.
35 Partial collection is not defined. Printed if partial collection is not defined.
36 System error. Printed if a system error occurs.
37 Invoice number cannot be blank. Printed if the invoice number field is blank.
39 Parent company's invoice upload deadline has passed. Printed if the date of invoice is uploaded after the "Parent Company Invoice Upload Deadline" date has passed.
40 Credit limit validity date for the dealer has passed. Printed if the defined "Credit Limit Validity Date" of the dealer has passed.
41 The invoice you want to process cannot be cancelled because it has already been collected. Printed when the process cannot be completed due to previous collection of invoice with foreign currency.
42 The invoice amount was transferred to the parent company warehouse account. Printed when the invoice is transferred to the parent company warehouse account.
43 Invoice status detail code could not be found. Printed when the status detail code of the invoice could not be found.
44 Invoice status detail code is incorrect. Printed when the invoice status detail code is incorrect.
45 No defined foreign currency account has been found. Printed when an invoice in the foreign currency which is not defined for the parent company is uploaded.
46 Your accounts are closed. Printed if the accounts of the dealer are closed.
47 Your accounts have been transferred to proceedings department. Printed if the dealer's accounts are subject to proceedings.
48 Accounts have been blocked and cannot be processed. Printed if the dealer's accounts has a block preventing transactions.
49 Partially collected invoice has been deleted. Printed when the partially collected invoice is deleted.
50 Invoice is not eligible for partial collection. Printed if the invoice cannot be partially collected.
51 The invoice has been partially collected. Printed when a partial collection is made.
52 Early payment is not defined for the invoices. Printed if early payment is not defined.
53 Late payment is not defined for the invoices. Printed if late payment is not defined.
54 No DBS account was selected in the warranted invoice payment. Printed if no DBS account is selected for the warranted payment.
55 Insufficient funds. Printed when the balance is insufficient.
56 Invoice could not be collected and scanning completed. Printed when the invoice could not be collected and scanning is completed.
57 Invoice could not be collected and partial collection scanning completed. Printed when the invoice could not be collected and partial collection  scanning is completed.
58 Invoice could not be collected. Printed when the invoice could not be collected.
59 Exchange rate type is not defined for the parent company. Printed if the exchange rate type is not defined for the parent company.
60 No collection transaction query definition. Printed if collection transaction query definition cannot be found.
61 Scanning period definition does not include this time. Printed if the scanning period definition does not include the time given.
62 Collection could not be made due to injunction. Printed when collection cannot be made due to injunction.
63 Collection could not be made due to foreclosure. Printed when collection cannot be made due to foreclosure.
64 Account belongs to DBS/BTS dealer. Printed when the account does not belong to DBS/BTS dealer.
65 Transaction query sequence is not appropriate for the deposit account scan hours. Printed when the transaction query sequence is not appropriate for the balance scan time.
66 Organization menu code definition cannot be found. Printed when POS menu is not defined in BTS transactions.
67 Parent company definition is not appropriate for TL invoice upload. Printed when TL currency invoice upload is tried in the parent companies defined only for foreign currency invoice upload.
68 Dealer is in payment default pool. Printed when the dealer is in the payment default pool.
69 No installments can be made more than the number of installments that can be accepted for the dealer. Printed when attempted to input installment amounts exceeding the acceptable installment amount for the dealer.
70 Installment plan is applied to the selected invoice. Printed when an installment plan is applied to the selected invoice.
71 Parent company definition is not suitable for installment transaction. Printed when tried to do installment transaction while parent company definition is not suitable.
72 File data is blank or incorrect. Printed when the file data is blank or incorrect.
73 The file pattern definition of the institution cannot be found. Printed when the file pattern definition of the institution could not be found.
74 Processed installment activity is present. Printed when processed installment activity cannot be found
75 Parent company is not authorized to make discounted transaction Printed when the parent company is not authorized to make discounted transactions.
76 Discount status is not suitable for requested operation Printed when the discount status of the invoice is not suitable for the desired discount transaction. For example; when the discount request is tried to be cancelled after discount application or when a new discount request is sent for an invoice which a discount request is already received.
77 Non-warranted invoices cannot be discounted. Printed when an non-warranted invoice is tried to be discounted.
78 Foreign currency invoices cannot be discounted. Printed when trying to apply discount to a foreign currency invoice.
79 Foreign currency invoices cannot be deducted. Printed when a foreign currency is requested to be deducted.
82 AnafirmaKomisyonTahsilati was not completed Printed when the parent company does not carry out the collection of their own commission.
83 BayiKomisyonTahsilati was not completed Printed when the dealer does not carry out the collection of their own commission.
84 Anafirma Ve Bayi Komisyon Tahsilati Gerceklesmemis Printed when the parent company and the dealer does not carry out the collection of their own commission.
86 Musteri Kredi Izleme Havuzunda Printed if the customer is in monitoring pool.
90 Mahsup No Bos Olamaz Printed when offset no field is empty in cases where the offset is requested.