EFT to Account
This API makes EFT transaction account to acoount. You have to use “Execute Transaction API” for complete your transaction.
API Information
/EFTtoAccountNumber |
Method |
Version |
1.0 |
Scope |
transfer |
Authorization Flow |
Authorization Code |
Input Information
Name | Format | Description | Required/Optional |
AccountNumber |
String (17) | Sender account number | Required |
Name | Format | Description | Required/Optional |
AccountNumber |
String (17) | Receiver account number | Required |
NameSurnameTitle |
String (50) | Receiver name surname / title | Required |
BankCode |
String (4) | Receiver bank code | Required |
BranchCode |
String (5) | Receiver branch code | Required |
Name | Format | Description | Required/Optional |
AccountNumber |
String (17) | Fee account number | Optional |
Name | Format | Description | Required/Optional |
Amount |
Decimal (10,2) | Transaction amount | Required |
PaymentPurpose |
Integer |
Payment purpose 1: Housing Rent, 2: Workplace Rent, 3: Other Rent, 4: E-Commerce Payment, 5:Employee Payment, 6:Commercial Payment, 7: Retail Payment, 8: Investment, 9:Financila, 10:Education Payment, 11:Dues Payment, 99:Other |
Required |
WithoutIBAN |
Boolean |
Decleration of without IBAN True: I accept that i make transaction without IBAN |
Required |
Description |
String (200) | Transaction description | Required |
Output Information
Name | Format | Description |
OTPTransactionId |
Integer | OTP transaction id |
OTPStatus |
String | OTP status |
Name | Format | Description |
TotalFeeAmount |
Decimal | Total fee amount |
CurrencyCode |
String | Currency code |
AccountNumber |
String | Fee account number |
Fee |
List< Fee > | Fee list |
List< Fee >
Name | Format | Description |
Amount |
Decimal | Fee amount |
CurrencyCode |
String | Currency code |
FeeDescription |
String | Fee description |
Name | Format | Description |
Amount |
Decimal | Transaction amount |
Name | Format | Description |
NameSurnameTitle |
String | Receiver name surname / title |
Execute Transaction
Name | Format | Description |
AccountNumber |
String | Sender account number |
Name | Format | Description |
AccountNumber |
String | Receiver account number |
Name | Format | Description |
TransactionId |
Integer | Transaction id |
EFTNumber |
Integer | EFT query number |
Date |
yyyy-MM-ddTHH24:mm:ss | Transaction date |
Amount |
Decimal | Transaction amount |
Description |
String | Transfer description |
Name | Format | Description |
TotalFeeAmount |
Decimal | Total fee amount |
CurrencyCode |
String | Currency code |
AccountNumber |
String | Fee account number |
Message Codes
Message Code | Description |
ACBH000041 |
Receiver account number format is incorrect. |
ACBH000042 |
Receiver account number cannot be empty. |
ACBH000043 |
Sender account number cannot be empty. |
ACBH000044 |
Sender account number format is incorrect. |
ACBH000085 |
Payment purpose is invalid. |
ACBH000090 |
Receiver name surname cannot be empty. |
ACBH000091 |
Receiver branch code cannot be empty. |
ACBH000092 |
Receiver bank code cannot be empty. |
ACBH000104 |
Account that you want to make transaction is not belong to customer in session. |
ACBH000110 |
Receiver branch code is invalid. |
ACBH000111 |
Receiver bank code is invalid. |
ACBH000139 |
Sender account currency code is incorrect. |
ACBH000208 |
Amount must be greater than zero. |
ACBH000209 |
Description cannot be empty. |
ACBH000210 |
Description cannot be greater than 200. |
ACBH000223 |
Receiver bank cannot be VakıfBank. |
ACBH000225 |
You must accept that you don’t use IBAN during trasfer. |
ACBH000232 |
Money transfer transaction can be executed by only deposit accounts in Open Banking Channel. |
ACBH000264 |
Fee account currency code must be TRY. |
ACBH000277 |
Fee account number format is incorrect. |
ACBH000283 |
Fee account number does not belong to customer in session. |
{ "Sender": { "AccountNumber": "00158000000000001" }, "Receiver": { "AccountNumber": "00111000000000001", "NameSurnameTitle" : "Can", "BankCode" : "0046", "BranchCode" : "00039" }, "FeeInformation": { "AccountNumber": "00158000000000001" }, "Transaction": { "Amount" : 1, "PaymentPurpose": 3, "Description": "EFT", "WithoutIBAN": true } }
{ "Header": { "StatusCode": "APIGW000000", "StatusDescription": "Tamamlandı", "StatusDescriptionEn": "Completed", "ObjectID": "15b57e49-28cf-4dd0-8b03-1a80a929716d" }, "SecurityInformation": { "OTPTransactionId": 194917, "OTPStatus": "ApprovementWaiting" }, "Data": { "Transaction": { "Amount": 1 }, "Receiver": { "NameSurnameTitle": "Can" } }, "FeeInformation": { "TotalFeeAmount": 7.09, "CurrencyCode": "TL", "Fee": [ { "CurrencyCode": "TL", "Amount": 6.88, "FeeDescription": "GİDEN EFT İŞLEM ÜCRETİ" }, { "CurrencyCode": "TL", "Amount": 0.21, "FeeDescription": "TCMB EFT KOMİSYONU" } ], "AccountNumber": "00158000000000001" } } Execute Transaction { "Header": { "StatusCode": "APIGW000000", "StatusDescription": "Tamamlandı", "StatusDescriptionEn": "Completed", "ObjectID": "70b57e49-28cf-4dd0-8b03-1a80a929716d" }, "Data": { "Sender": { "AccountNumber": "00158000000000001" }, "Transaction": { "EFTNumber": 6271640, "Description": "/FATMA HESABINDAN AKBANK T.A.Ş. - BEYOĞLU/İSTANBUL NEZDİNDEKİ 00111000000000001 NO'LU CAN HESABINA YAPILAN 6271640 SIRA NO'LU EFT", "Amount": 1, "Date": "2021-29-03T12:15:12", "TransactionId": 53968637 }, "Receiver": { "AccountNumber": "00111000000000001" } }, "FeeInformation": { "TotalFeeAmount": 7.09, "CurrencyCode": "TL", "AccountNumber": "00158000000000001" } }
API URL : https://apigw.vakifbank.com.tr:8443